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Project setup


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Flutter SDK
  • Dart SDK
  • A code editor (VS Code or Android Studio recommended)
  • Git

Initial Setup

Clone the repository:

git clone [repository-url]
cd [project-name]

Install dependencies:

flutter pub get

Running the Project

To run the project in debug mode:

flutter run

The app will open in a browser or device depending on your selected target platform:

  • For web: Opens in your default browser
  • For mobile: Opens in the connected device or emulator
  • For desktop: Opens as a native window

Environment Configuration

The project uses environment-specific configuration files for different deployment scenarios.

Environment Files Structure

└── config/
├── .env.dart # Default development configuration
├── # Production configuration
├── .env.dart.staging # Staging configuration
└── .env.dart.test # Testing configuration

By default, the project uses .env.dart configuration. To use a different environment:

Copy the appropriate environment file:

cp lib/config/ lib/config/.env.dart

Update the configuration values according to your needs.

Backend Configuration

Firebase Setup

If you're using Firebase:

Replace the default test configuration in .env.dart with your Firebase project credentials:

class Environment {
static const firebaseApiKey = 'your-api-key';
static const firebaseAuthDomain = 'your-auth-domain';
static const firebaseProjectId = 'your-project-id';
static const firebaseStorageBucket = 'your-storage-bucket';
static const firebaseMessagingSenderId = 'your-messaging-sender-id';
static const firebaseAppId = 'your-app-id';

Supabase Setup

If you're using Supabase:

Update the Supabase configuration in .env.dart:

class Environment {
static const supabaseUrl = 'your-supabase-url';
static const supabaseAnonKey = 'your-anon-key';

Cross-Platform Testing

To ensure your setup works across different platforms:

Test on Web:

flutter run -d chrome

Test on Android:

flutter run -d android

Test on iOS (requires macOS):

flutter run -d ios

Test on Desktop:

flutter run -d windows
# or
flutter run -d macos
# or
flutter run -d linux


If you encounter any issues:

  • Ensure all dependencies are correctly installed:

    flutter pub get
  • Clean the project:

    flutter clean
    flutter pub get
  • Verify your environment configuration file (.env.dart) is properly set up.

  • Check that you have the correct SDK versions as specified in pubspec.yaml.

Next Steps

After successful setup:

  • Review the project structure.
  • Check the included example features.
  • Begin customizing the boilerplate according to your needs.

For more detailed information about specific features, refer to the other sections of the documentation.