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🏗️ Create new module

Create new module for events

Let's create a new events module.

1. What would be the event schema

Following is the sample event schema that should be saved in database:

"id": "ev_5194601",
"accessCode": null,
"callToAction": "Select tickets",
"chk": "bba7",
"createdAt": 1737549701,
"currency": "usd",
"description": "<p>Hi, join our speed dating event and enjoy the life with your lovely partner.</p>",
"end": 1738794600,
"start": 1738778400,
"eventSeriesId": "es_1545937",
"hidden": false,
"name": "Speed Dating On Feb 5",
"onlineEvent": false,
"privateEvent": false,
"status": "published",
"ticketsAvailable": true,
"totalHolds": 0,
"totalIssuedTickets": 1,
"totalOrders": 1,
"unavailable": false,
"unavailableStatus": null

The Dart class should be created like this:

class Event {
final String id;
final String accessCode;
final String callToAction;
final String chk;
final int createdAt;
final String currency;
final String description;
final int end;
final int start;
final String eventSeriesId;
final bool hidden;
final String name;
final bool onlineEvent;
final bool privateEvent;
final String status;
final bool ticketsAvailable;
final int totalHolds;
final int totalIssuedTickets;
final int totalOrders;
final bool unavailable;
final String unavailableStatus;

2. Create Command

./ make <package> <module_snake> <module_camel> <modules_snake> <modules_camel> `<fields>`

Explanation of Each Parameter

  • <package>: The Dart package name (e.g., my_flutter_app).
  • <module_snake>: The name of the module in snake_case (e.g., article).
  • <module_camel>: The name of the module in camelCase (e.g., article).
  • <modules_snake>: The plural form of the module name in snake_case (e.g., articles).
  • <modules_camel>: The plural form of the module name in camelCase (e.g., articles).
  • <fields>: A comma-separated list of fields for the module (e.g., title:String,url:String).

Example Usage

Suppose you want to create a module for article with fields title and url. You would run:

./ make flutter_boilerplate article article articles articles title:String,url:String

Command for Events module


So the command will be:

./ make flutter_boilerplate event event events events name:String,accessCode:String,callToAction:String,chk:String,currency:String,description:String,end:int,start:int,eventSeriesId:String,hidden:bool,onlineEvent:bool,privateEvent:bool,status:String,ticketsAvailable:bool,totalHolds:int,totalIssuedTickets:int,totalOrders:int,unavailable:bool,unavailableStatus:String

./ make flutter_boilerplate mail mail mails mails name:String,address:String,isDuplicateAddress:bool,isAddressValidated:bool,isInValidAddress:bool,isDoNotMail:bool,isAddressForwardingEnabled:bool,tags:String